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Children’s Church – Preschoolers

Playtime is “yay” time for preschoolers! Every little kid loves to play and now they get to do it during the storytelling time. During “Paper Puppet People,” each preschooler will have their own paper cutout characters from the Bible story. As the story is told,...

Children’s Church

Who doesn’t love a good emoji?! Happy, sad, scared, or mad — we can show people how we’re feeling with just one little picture. Emojis are also the perfect way to unpack the Book of Psalms! During “Emoji Madness,” kids will use different emojis to tell the Bible story...

RightNow Media

We’re excited to share that our church has access to an extensive, video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has a HUGE library of over 12,000 faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your...

Join Us!

We invite you to join us in doing church together.  We meet every Sunday morning at 10am for the purpose of “Leading People to Passionately Follow Jesus.”  We accomplish this by GOING, GROWING and OBEYING the Lord Jesus Christ as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20.  Beach...